Sunday, September 23, 2007

"...When he was 73 years old, Marcus Demian wrote a 400 page manuscript portraying himself as a hero and portrays his children as insignificant and inadequate with himself being the only one who brings value to the situation. At first Marcus published on the web and in letters he sent to 'others' a categorical denial that such a manuscript existed in which he describes a character based on Oma Hamou and the hero of his book, himself, killing her. He outlines point by point with great relish almost to the extent of 'mustard and onions too, of how he kills her character and in general how he murders a Judge and everyone else. When his character gets caught a jury comes back with a verdict of a justifiable homicide. It would be a stretch to look at this manuscript as a fictional account; it's the detailing of the functioning of a mind of a dangerous sociopath and many of the horrific acts of violence detailed in the manuscript he pretty much committed in real life already. Although nobody died except for an unborn child it's certainly not his fault that the mother of his two children didn't die when he had her stabbed or when he had Oma on the ground at execution style and fired a gun at her, no it's not his fault these two ladies didn't die. One thing is for certain Marcus Demian's 400 page manuscript cannot be dismissed as fiction. Tying this in with Bob Atchison & Rob Moshein saga and their hatred for Oma there is substantial documentation proving those two knew what a danger this man is to her yet they either ignored it or more probably desired the danger to Oma by supporting his anger against her. These two knew that Marcus Demian was accused of being a pedophile and wife abuser yet they proceeded to facilitate his dangerous tendencies. I personally hope the law sees that these three despicable human beings get their just punishment..."

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Thursday, September 13, 2007


Recently, we were made aware of Russia's recent law regarding extremism: []

The part about the illegality of "humiliating national merit" is especially noteworthy. Precisely because it is so vague and all-encompassing. (By that definition most of the books written about Stalin's Russia are "humiliating [of] national merit" and therefore illegal.) But then I suppose practically everybody on Bob Atchison's history forum (himself included) the Alexander Palace Time Machine and elsewhere on the web is guilty to some extent or another of "humiliating" Russian "national merit" ...

Monday, September 10, 2007

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Statement From Oma
April 25, 2007

My life for the past six years has consisted of having my reputation and all of my efforts to make a living, let alone a normal life, destroyed by the obsessive, inexplicable, incessant and personally devastating attacks from a man I barely knew --- and to say the least I wish I never knew. That man is Bob Atchison and his host of co-conspirators, such as; Rob Moshein, Mike Pyles (a person who I’ve never even met or spoken to) and others including several aliases used by the above individuals.
People who know me spent the first years of this conflict exasperated with me for wanting to reconcile and forgive. I wanted to let bygones, be bygones --- in spite of the fact he had already damaged me and my projects to the tune of 2 ½ million dollars plus the loss of a 20 million dollar loan.These cruel and depraved individuals launched a merciless and unrelenting attack on me to the extent that I have spent the last years literally in fear and hiding, facing daily terror and distress.
Despite my sending several cease and desist letters as well as the attorney having sent cease and desist letters not to mention a court restraining order that was issued against Pallasart and Rob Moshein they have shown nothing but contempt for all pleas and demands and even protective orders.
These disturbed individuals have concocted a multitude of schemes against me; including using forged documents and making false allegations to law enforcement, all in an effort to have me imprisoned, notwithstanding the fact that they have already imprisoned my soul and destroyed my life. No matter what revenge they ravish on me personally they are utterly unsatisfied and seek to have me physically imprisoned by whatever false accusation they can come up with in their wild and devious imaginations. Fortunately due to due diligence, the police have determined that there was no basis to their continual accusations and that it is I who has been victimized by some very unscrupulous people.
Let me give you an example of some of the attacks of these depraved individuals --- stated briefly and not completely:
  • Posted my US Social Security Number on the web.
  • Posted my home address on the web.
  • Posted information on file with the California DMV office (which is illegal)
  • Used forged documents against me in court and submitted forged documents to the police.
  • Committed perjury in court.
  • Launched campaigns to discredit me to dissuade financial institutions, government agencies and others from assisting me in my endeavors.
  • They have given false testimony against me to the courts, police, the public and not just given false testimony but unrelentingly pursued the prosecution of this false testimony in an attempt to wreak any and all damage upon me that they could.
  • They have conspired with others to harm me.
  • They have instigated violence against me including being threatened with firearms and being physically thrown up against the wall.
  • They have stalked me to discover my home and sanctuary seeking through a multitude of ways (the least of which is analyzing IP addresses that hit a imbedded image) to find my person --- based on the past, one is forced to ask for what reason do they want to find my physical self? What harm do they intend once they find me?
  • Bob and his web company Pallasart defrauded me out of large sums of monies.

And this is by no means a complete list as they have done anything and everything they could think of in their devious and highly creative minds for a period of six years. Bob Atchison used the court system to extort money from me, money that I don’t owe him.

At trial in his civil litigation against me both him and his attorney represented to the court that Bob’s company, Pallasart Web Ventures had sued my company Enigma Films and my references to documentation was from a prior lawsuit which had been settled previously. This was a lie! (See: )

Not only that --- Bob Atchison submitted forged documents to attain his verdict against me.

I now find myself in unfamiliar territory. I am not and have never been a vengeful person. However, my nature has been so brutalized and so altered by their horrific and unwarranted assaults on me that I am making an exception. Don’t take this as if this is issued from the mouth of someone who is prone to seeking justice and or the demise of someone who has done evil. People who know me know this to be extremely out of character for me, but I believe it is just and right for at least some if not all of these individuals to be imprisoned for the crimes they have and continue unrelentingly to commit against me. They have proved by their actions that just being reprimanded by the courts is insufficient in getting them to change their ways. Having failed to modify their behavior by mere words then it is obvious that some escalated attempt to modify their behavior is required.

In my opinion, based on observed behaviors, Bob Atchison is a sociopath and so is Rob Moshein. I didn’t deserve any of what Bob Atchison and his co-conspirators have and continue to do to me and I can’t imagine who would deserve it, all I wanted to do was make a film dealing with Russian history and Czar Nicholas II.

Instead I found myself trapped in an underworld of history freaks whose fanaticism compels them to destroy anyone with the audacity to enter their realm which they seem to insist belongs to them exclusively and anyone wanting to enter must enter as their subjects. The incongruity here is that “their realm” is World History and you can’t touch it or they’ll rip you to shreds.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Why do Bob Atchison & Rob Moshein & their Cult persecute Oma Hamou?
Answer: Because they can't stand it if someone comes along who knows ANYTHING, never mind more than they do. They are the worst thing to happen to the Romanov story since Gilliard & Robert Wilton, and I guarantee you that not one of the surviving descendants of the tsars (all of them "morganatic" now) cares at all about what they say. WE are the only ones who do that -- and we should be spanked for it, I guess....People have already wasted too much time trying to be reasonable and "nice" with these charlatans.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

In response to Oma Hamou filing a criminal complaint against Bob Atchison
"Oma Hamou correctly views criminal litigation not only as the proper forum for obtaining accountability for wrongdoing, but also as a forum for the public to learn the truth."


Sunday, September 02, 2007

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UPDATED 9/4/2007

"...Dumber and dumber and dumber and dumber they become...You wonder if they have any real friends at all, because a REAL friend would ultimately say, "Hey ... WHAT is the matter with you?" (God knows MY friends and family say that to me whenever they sense I have gone off the track.)..."

On that other blog on Hamou it insists they are not LYING LIARS the new post for September 2007 states...


Spin! Spin! Spin! Bullshit!

As usual it is difficult to approach any form of communication including sarcasm and all the wit I could muster any semblance of how bizarre your thought process is. First of all, the major part of the efforts in your life is to pick on a woman I guess this doesn't even compute to you that, that in of itself is an aberration. Secondly you do this more often than not under aliases to hide your true identity -- to anyone with a normal kind of mind without having to explain that means you are hiding, duh? So where do you get the ground to complain that Hamou is hiding from you?

Our take on the Oma Hamou Reality blog is the content is “false and defamatory ” and the authors have taken it to a disgusting new low for which they will be held legally accountable. In our opinion, when it comes to statemets made by Bob Atchison, his web company Pallasart & it's associates including but not limited to Rob Moshein & Marcus Demian to name but a few, about Oma Hamou it is not credible or a reliable source.

We at Alexander Palace Obsession Blog know for a fact as does the general public that the authors of that "Other Blog" about Hamou have read her "Cease & Desist" letter ( I am certain they are familiar with Hamou's civil lawsuit against Pallasart, Atchison & Moshein as well as the "protective order" which a court in Texas granted on her behalf against them clearly it establishes that basing any accusations agaainst Oma Hamou by these various entities constitute republication with reckless disregard for truth or falsity.

Again, it's worth repeating: There is no need whatsoever for anyone to be defensive about Bob Atchison or Rob Moshein being 'publicly lynched' on this blog or elsewhere. They chose publicly to make certain assertions about Oma Hamou which have been proven to be inaccurate.There is no reasoned sense of judgement prevailing - only a totally inappropriate example of exalted self esteem. This is no witch hunt. This is concern over crimes which has been perpetrated against Hamou and outrageously, not only being glossed over, but which is actually admired and respected by Atchison and his cult like following. Recently a concerned person from Atchison's inner circle told Hamou she is hated amongst Atchison and his people so much that they are out to destroy her - I mean really destroy her -- In my opinion, I think those two and their gang of thugs (Pyles and Marcus Demian included) have done one hell of a good job so far, what do you think?

With this in mind, let's examine "some" of the words published on "THAT OTHER" blog which they claim is "truth." Compare their words to the evidence which we feel 'conclusively' supports Hamou's assertions that someone on Team Atchison doesn't know how to tell the truth.

Compare the REAL TIMELINE OF EVENTS leading up to Hamou's criminal convictions to the made up one over on OMA HAMOU REALITY BLOG and Pallasart's OMA HAMOU REPORT:

Time Line of Oma (Hamou) Demian's Criminal Convictions:

Bob Atchison had "advantage" at trial Mike Newson says Oma Hamou wasn't represented by an attorney...

Bob Atchison & Cult "repeatedly" lie to law enforcement in an attempt to rid society of Hamou & &

Bob Atchison won his lawsuit against Oma Hamou by lying and using forged documents --

Read Bob Atchison's Oral Deposition in the Oma Hamou litigation:

Court issues Restraining Order against Rob Moshein & Oma Hamou Report dot org:

The Psychosis of Pallasart Web Venture, Oma Hamou Report dot org, Oma Hamou Reality, Rob Moshein & Bob Atchison. &

Bob Atchison & Rob Moshein Stalking &

Bob Atchison forgery and Perjury:

Bob Atchison's schemes to get Oma Hamou arrested:

The Teflon Con and the Con &

Bob Atchison's allegedly admits wrong doing:

Mike Newson's "Judge This"

Mike Newson:

What is legitimate concerning Bob Atchison & Pallasart

What has Bob Atchison done for the Alexander Palace?

The cult surrounding the Alexander Palace: &

Rob Moshein's Motion to Texas Courts Denied &

The Oma Hamou versus Bob Atchison "War" and it continues...

Pallasart "snubs" Hamou's Cease and Desist Letter:

It's all about credibility:

Did Enigma have real projects?

Pallasart and the Art of Film making:

The Romanov Cult:

Mike Newson's Take:

Bob Atchison slanders a Russian priest:

Enigma's participation in the restoration of Russian priest Church - Fedorovsky Cathedral
In Honor of Russia

Oma Hamou's comments about Atchison's perjury etc.:

Jim (friend of Hamou's) take on it all:

David Davidson

The California Better Business Bureau

Oma Hamou Reality Blog accuses Hamou of committing several crimes including but not limited, Kidnapping

Marcus Demian

Perhaps Hamou and Her Legal Team can Obtain a Permanent Protective Order against Atchison, Moshein and their cult...

LA Times Recent Article on Defmation & Prior Restraint

Oma Hamou, Enigma Films, Sarskaia v. Robert D. Atchison, Robert M. Moshein & Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc.

Did Hamou Really Hire someone to kill Bob Atchison???

The Teflon Cons &

More Inaccuracies..

Edna Morton & the Oma Hamou Reality Blog

Bob Atchison, Pallasart, Boardrush & Oma Hamou (Internet archives 2004)

In a recent email to the Alexander Palace Blog Mike Newson writes:

I’ve have stayed away for many weeks as I thought that what ever needed to be said had been said… But “they” still keep asking why don’t we address the issues? What issues?

The greatest thing about humans is our ability to learn and change to become better than we were. Yet the battle cry of those who have hounded Oma Hamou for years with a monomaniacal intensity is that Oma still is a criminal - as in once a criminal (no matter the reason) always a criminal and a violent one at that (no matter the original cause.) Although how bouncing a check around 17 years ago translates into a violent-life-time-criminal is beyond me…

Time and time again I have pointed out the defects in logic and research in “their” verbal/written attacks on Oma. Sandman has done the same, as have Justin and others, Oma has published cease and desist letters detailing specific faults in “their” story about her. Time after time, after time, we have tried to set the story right…, yet no matter how much or in what detail "we" have rebutted their story about Oma, no matter how we have pointed out the harm that their actions have caused they continue to do the same things, saying the same things as has been said since day one when Bob Atchison opened with his first ever published on the internet salvo, even when it has been shown that they have read the corrections because of their own quotes of material found along side such corrections as we have made they continue to say the same things as was said since day one, never deviating from their course of actions intended to destroy Oma.

Let’s review Oma’s “Criminal” background --- a real quick review…

Basically she wrote some checks that bounced, she made restitution, and she paid ”society” for her “errors” --- end of story. What is not apparent is that there were extenuating circumstances behind the events, circumstances that even the State of Montana’s Supreme Court took acknowledgement of. The circumstances are that the whole thing was engineered and implemented by Oma’s ex husband in his attempt to misdirect attention from his criminal doings onto Oma. Still no matter how many times we have brought up such circumstances they are always ignored --- So why bother to keep doing it?

If what was written in the past, by those who defend Oma, if all the corrections and attempts to set the story right hasnot influenced those-who-want-to-destroy-Oma, --- notice I said “destroy,”not stop, or protect the world from this supreme master criminal mind, ---but “destroy” --- as in when Bob said that he knew the Red Mafia and that hewas going to have them “shred her to pieces” ---

Could that be a euphemism for Kill? --- Is that why when the situation popped up that Bob so readily came up with the thought that Oma must be so violent of a person and who was so twisted inside that she would stoop so low, because he had thought of doing this to her first?????

Think about it --- remember that you can see inside someone by looking at these types of thoughts and actions. You might try reading the whole hate Oma site in the light of this concept of reversal… You might also looking at who attacks and who defends in this war of words, and why is it that those who have the brains to do real research keep switching sides to Oma’s defense?

Now we could go into things such as Bob claimed that Oma had stolen something like $600,000.00 dollars worth of his notes or that whole host of things that he put into the court documents when he first attacked Oma, yet when push came to shove all those claims vanished into one of Oma owes me some money (for work he did not do.) And true he did win that court battle --- by lying on the stand under oath and using forged documents.

But on the other issues such as that what was being said about Oma in those written and verbal attacks on her had and would continue to cause irreparable harm to her, her projects and those who were working with her on those projects --- that part she won and they lost, but they still continue to attack using the same things that they were told over and over again were such that they would cause irreparable harm…. Think about it....
