Monday, August 25, 2008

Still, the fact Atchison repeats his lies about Hamou hiring someone to murder him that the reason law enforcement didn't go after her was because it wasn't in their jurisdiction (cross state lines meaning he is referring to Texas not his repeated complaints to the FBI, Homeland Security, US Marshalls and the LAPD) is defamation and a slew of other big to do no-no's.

Despite the fact that the men who operate a web site called the Alexander Palace Time Mchine insist I am, I am not Hamou. Neither was Mike Newson. Neither was Justin Edwards. Neither was Mona Wilson. Neither was Jim and neither was Russophile and a host of so many others. In these very disturbed individuals minds anyone who defends Oma Hamou has got to be Oma Hamou because in their minds the woman has no defense she is a condemned woman.
I created my two blogs when Rob Moshein accused my friend Anastasia Davis of being Oma Hamou, called my friend a liar for not living where she does and revealing his stalkerish behaviour. I've read the stated agenda against Hamou by the PM's sent by Moshein and others from the AP and Legend forum it was the “smugness” and “air of superiority” that propelled me and others to create our own blog about the men who operate a website called the Alexander Palace Time Machine.

Bob Atchison created all the hype about himself being this reknown expert on the Alexander Palace the home of Russia's last reigning Czar Nicholas II. He wrote the words he was the catalyst getting a museum placed inside of this palace where the Russian Baltic Fleet still resides. He wrote the words to his biography which has been lifted and copied many times onto other websites - those are his words.

Looking back on the Hamou Atchison feud going back to 2003 on Pallasart's Alexander Palace Time Machine website Atchison claimed Hamou was a fugitive from Park County Wyoming and placed a phone number so people could call and they did and found out Atchison was lying. Atchison and Moshein made a lot of statements about Hamou which turned out to reflect badly on their credibility as historians and an officer of the court. They truly believe they have exposed Hamou for the villian she is but in reality they have left themsleves naked and exposed as the true villian in this saga.

I've repeatedly pointed out Hamou isn't the only victim in this saga, these men have threatened others like Helen A, Penny Wilson and others. Some acquiese to their threats while others like Helen and Penny told them to shove it. 8)

Both Justin and Mike have successfully proven Atchison lied repeatedly during court proceedings with Hamou he was able to manipulate and abuse the court in this vendetta. I hope in the end Hamou finds peace and justice. I hope the courts will hold Atchison and Moshein accountable for what they've done to this woman and to others.

Night folks,

