"...Bob Atchison the man who created a web site dedicated to his Alexandra, the last reigning Empress of Russia said this dead woman told him in a dream to destroy my friend, Oma Hamou. This Bob Atchison wants you to believe it is O.k. that he gave false testimony to law enforcement and falsified documents which were used against my friend in an attempt to put her in prison for a crime she didn't commit. Bob Atchison of the Alexander Palace Time Machine wants you to believe all that he did to Oma is O.k. because in his mind he is doing the world a favor, just ask her ex-husband, Marcus Demian friend of Bob Atchison. Bob Atchison wants you to accept his actions against my friend because he is Bob Atchison the man who has dedicated his life towards the memory of some dead woman and the home she last resided in, the Alexander Palace in Russia..." Justin Edwards
Bob Atchison the man who created and maintains a Russian history web site called the Alexander Palace Time Machine wants you to believe that it is O.k. for him and his life partner to create and maintain a web site and blog about Oma Hamou because she was convicted for writing a bad check some 20 years ago while on the run from a violent marriage.
Bob Atchison the man who created and maintains a Russian history web site called the Alexander Palace Time Machine wants you to believe that it is O.k. to publish lies about Oma Hamou because she was convicted for writing a bad check some 20 years ago while on the run from a violent marriage.
Bob Atchison the man who created a web site called the Alexander Palace Time Machine wants you to believe that lying to the court and providing false documentation against Oma Hamou is O.k. because she was convicted for writing a bad check some 20 years ago while on the run from a violent marriage.
Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein the men who created and maintain a web site called the Alexander Palace Time Machine and History Forum want you to believe it is O.k. for them to publish Oma Hamou's US Social Security number on the web because she was convicted for writing a bad check some 20 years ago while on the run from a violent marriage.
Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein the men behind the Alexander Palace Time MAchine web site wants you to believe it is O.k. for them to conspire with others to harm or cause harm whether it is emotional or physical against Oma Hamou because she was convicted for writing a bad check some 20 years ago while on the run from a violent marriage.
Bob Atchison wants you to believe it is fine he committed perjury and gave false documentation to the police and to the courts about Oma Hamou. Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein want you to believe that is fine amongst other things to stalk & harass someone.
These two men want you to believe its O.k. that they published lies about Hamou because she deserves this and more because the Church in Russia says Hamou is the Devil's Handmaiden - the Church in Russia calls Atchison a liar and they want him to stop involving them and its priests in his schemes against Oma Hamou. Who do you believe Bob Atchison & Rob Moshein the men who created and maintain a web site called the Alexander Palace Time Machine, men who have proven time and time again that they are prolific liars or a woman by the name of Oma Hamou who hasn't been caught lying?