Monday, July 31, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Today on the AA Legend Forum:
Bob Atchison slanders a Priest in Russia, Father Markell ....
I read a recent post at the forum on APTM where it says that Bob always tells those who want to help pay for the site which he so "selflessly" provides, that they should send the money to Father Markell in Russia. This is a excellent idea, especially as Bob has used Father Markell as a weapon in an attempt to destroy Oma, not thinking that it was a two edged sword, which did more damage to Father Markell than to Oma. For years Bob has told a story of how Oma took out a loan in Russia and ran with the money leaving Father Markell holding the bag, so that he had to sell his home to pay back the loan, as the loan was to help the Church. And how Oma had seduced him, which of course once word of this and the “alleged” loan incident reached his superiors he was called on the carpet to defend himself. Can you imagine being a celibate Monk and having to go to your superiors on charges that you were so weak of a Monk that you had sex with someone in your charge, not only that but they had scammed you out of a lot of money? That the church fully absolved him of any wrong should be proof enough, but it seems that once Bob creates a story, it can never change. Maybe having people send money to Father Markell is an act of penance? But if so why does he still repeat the story? (Other than that was one of Hitler's rules in regard to the Big Lie propaganda technique; never admit to being wrong, and keep telling the story.)
As to all the money he is spending out of his own pocket to keep the site alive, well the forum is run by “open source” software. Meaning that just like the last software that he used to run the forum it is free to anyone who wants to use it. So scratch that expense. Now sure a normal person would have to spend tons of money to provide bandwidth and storage space for a site like the, but as Bob owns his own servers, well that takes care of the monthly storage fee. Sure it cost to buy the server, but typically site are co-hosted and Bob is no different with 54 other sites on the same server as the site.
His web design site quotes sites starting at $4,000 to create a site and he charged Oma about $100 a month to host a few pages. Assuming that is still the same… $216,000 up front in design fees (looking only at the minimum) will buy a huge server. OK yes he has to pay for his time, but still he had to buy a server to host those other sites and I think you can see that even at say $20,000 for a top of the line monster server with multi-processors and RAID 5 hot swappable hard drives and a few hours of UPS power reserves that there was enough cash from just the web design work to pay for the server that runs and $5,400 a month income from just that one server should pay for a lot of bandwidth as typically if you have your own hosting company you buy it in a huge block for cheap. The way most hosting companies do it is that they balance the load by placing a high bandwidth / server load site along with a bunch of other sites who may be lucky to get a dozen hits a month. Checking with one reseller they offer a package for $69.00 a month that has the space to host 80 sites and provides 750 GIG of bandwidth, (that is about eighty-six cents per month per site) another host says that if you go over your bandwidth limit it is only $7.00 more per GIG, per month and the more you use the cheaper per month, per gig it gets. Also realize that repeat visitors have all the graphics and such stored up in their computer’s cache memory so that does not cause much bandwidth, and text only such as is on the forum is unbelievably cheap in terms of bandwidth.
So in the whole equation of site hosting the human cost is the most expensive, but I had heard that the site was an act of love? Which came first the Chicken or the Egg, or read that as Pallasart Web Design or the AP site? Now lets figure that with traffic in the millions of visitors per day because of links to it by sites such as Encyclopedia Britannica (Currently is ranked 139,135th in the world by Alexa) and when you look at the traffic details you will notice that about half, or a little less, of that traffic also checks out the Pallasart Web Design company where the visitor is exposed to advertising and of course there are links from the site to Bob’s Amber Palace Galleries and such. So it seems that the site is a great source of advertising for Bob, which he would otherwise have to pay for. Of course any site that is linked to by gets immediate attention from the search engines because of its traffic rank and who links to it, (such as the Encyclopedia Britannica site.) So the whole site forms the nucleus of a major traffic magnet, buying Bob traffic for his profit centers at unbelievably cheap rates. That is one savvy and shrewd businessman!
Of course it gets even cheaper to conduct business when you don’t pay things like your taxes, fees and licensing to the city and state, and other minor things like export duties/fees to a foreign country, but still continue to conduct business as if you had…
Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Malebolge
(Copied from the web)
By: Mike Newson
Profession: I.T./Photographer
By: Mike Newson
Profession: I.T./Photographer
I met “Her” sometime around the middle part of 2003 through one of her assistants who fell in love with my photography that had been published on the web. The assistant and I had talked for many months previous and I kept sending her photo samples of my most recent shoots. Eventually she talked her boss into bringing me to California to do a photo shoot of --- Oma. Yes, Oma Hamou, the C.E.O. of Enigma Films, Inc., former model, as if “The” Oma could ever turn into a “former” anything; her beauty just changes, but never diminishes.
It is almost impossible to do a photo shoot that is more than a typical four pose, twelve shot portrait sitting without there being created a unique interaction between photographer and model, and this time was no exception. Somehow as we worked together we clicked, and soon I was being fascinated by Oma’s dream to film a movie in Russia. Sure, I had been forced to read about the Last of the Czars in school, and it was almost as appetizing as the school lunch.
Then I met Oma, who had this gleam in her eye when she talked about Russia. Her whole body radiated excitement when she talked about what making the movie on location would do for the city of Pushkin, and compared it with what happened to the tourist trade in New Zealand when the Lord of the Rings trilogy was released after being filmed there. It is almost impossible to avoid catching fire once you are exposed to Oma’s excitement. A spark, no matter how small, is still a spark, and considering how excited I was in school, well --- this spark might as well have been a forest fire.
One thing led to another. I have had many years of experience in the computer field (I first learned about programming and computer technology, starting back in the days of main frames that took up almost an entire building and that were programmed with punch cards). Well, it was a no-brainer for both of us that I should bring her web sites into the 21st century, so I started to work on her The Sarskaia Foundation dot org around October of 2003 and in a very short time I had convinced her that Sarskaia dot org was much shorter and easier for people to type. Soon after that I had the old site converted to HTML coded pages, with new graphics and running under the new domain name. At first Oma and I talked primarily by email, but as more complex changes were needed, this soon turned to many hours on the phone. At such times Oma would often wax poetic about her dreams to create a film about the Last of the Czars, and it was not long before she had instilled her dream into me well: a nice warm fire had begun to burn where once the artic cold of High School history had resided. Soon it was as friends, rather than as client/consultant, that Oma and I interacted.
My first experience with Mr. Bob Atchison, of the web site called Alexander Palace dot org , the Bobby of Readers Digest’s “Boy who Dreamed of a Palace” fame, began shortly after I started working on Oma’s web sites, while searching the web to learn more about this enigmatic woman who had captured my interest. At that point in time there was not much to be found about Oma on the Internet, as her time in the sun as a model was before the Internet existed. So when I found this page that Bob Atchison had posted on his Alexander Palace dot org site, of course I read it. The main site was packed full of information, and “looked” impressive, especially to one of recently awakened interest, so when I read what he had to say about Oma and how she was evil and a criminal who committed fraud and scammed people out of their money, my heart sank, as I had already invested many hours working with her, and had not yet been paid.
Mr. Atchison offered to share his sources, and to prove that he had published the truth, with anyone who would ask. I had been working in the R&D department of a pharmaceutical company and I knew from experience that you cannot take things you find on the web at face value; you have to check out the data and verify its accuracy. Mr. Atchison was kind enough to respond when I asked him about his sources and gave me a single site where I could go and look up a debt that Oma owed which he said proved that she was out to scam people by not paying her bills. He said that he himself had been similarly scammed, and he did not want anyone else to suffer as he had.
The first few paragraphs of that reference he had shared contained information similar to what was claimed on Mr. Atchison’s web page, and appeared to fully verify his claims. However, once I dug into later, more current, data lower on the same web page, it became apparent that the things he said did not match up with that most current data. I wrote back that I had found some discrepancies in his references from what he had reported. The result was shocking, to say the least: far from responding as a nice gentleman would, Bob responded by blasting me with an accusation that I was Ms. Oma Hamou, and told me to never write him again.
I had walked blindfolded into my first skirmish in an ongoing battle between Oma and Bob, a battle whose battle field had now been taken to the Internet. It is hard to understand, and even now looking back on all this I am forced to ask, just why would someone like Bob Atchison attack a woman, Oma, like this? Why would he hate her so much? What is it that has driven him and those around him to attack as ferociously, and as continuously, as they have, in a battle that has been waged for many years now?
Of course I talked to Oma about this and soon learned much of her background, not only about her and Bob Atchison, but her personal past which does include a “criminal” episode where she wrote some bad checks while on the run with some small children from a (to put it mildly) abusive husband. At first I have to admit that I was as stunned with what she told me as I would be if I were a fish out of water. No one person could have had such experiences. It was as if a drunk Hollywood writer had collected nightmares from many people. But as time progressed I found that her story, as wild as it sounded, was true, that she had documentation that backed up her words (Oma is a pack rat when it comes to documentation). About this time many questions were flooding in to Oma because of the pages that Mr. Atchison had pushed out on the web, as his site receives millions of visitors. I suggested that she put up a “Forum” where people could talk and get questions answered, as there was no way that a single web master could keep up with the flood of information using standard old static web pages.
The end result is that I spent many hours on this forum at Oma Hamou dot com as a friend of Oma’s, being concerned that someone who was innocent was being attacked (even if it was only a verbal attack). I am very aware that words have the power to hurt more than almost any physical attack, as words can keep hurting long after the body has healed. I answered the questions about Oma that I knew the answers to, and talked to her about things in her past that I did not understand, and she opened to me as a flower opens to the sun. It was as if, once she found that someone would listen to what she went through, she was compelled to share her past with me along with her dreams for the future, which deepened the friendship that was developing between us even more. The battle between Mr. Atchison and Oma Hamou seemed to escalate. The more “we” defended Oma on her forum (“we” meaning some of her friends and former employees), as her company was being forced into a reorganization because of a loss of funding, most of us stayed and continued to help Oma as she was our friend and we shared her dream. Beyond our personal friendships with Oma, I think that the innate tendency of true Americans to feel for the underdog, the one being attacked by the bully, came to the forefront and we stayed on and defended her against this verbal attack. Anyway, the more we showed on her Internet forum how what Mr. Atchison had said was wrong, the more “they” (Mr. Atchison, his friends, and Pallasart associates such as Rob Moshein) screamed and ranted that they were right and we were wrong.
I was then subjected to personal attacks when it was falsely published on the Oma Hamou Report dot org that I was working for Enigma around a year before I started to work with Oma, and had lied to Bob, tricking him into showing me his proof about Oma, back when I communicated with him for the first time ever. The author came to this conclusion based on when the domain The Sarskaia Foundation dot org was created (Nov 21, 2002), not when it was modified because I became the technical contact, or when the domain I suggested and which I had stated I was working on, Sarskaia dot org, was created (Oct 22, 2003). Based only on that original creation date on the wrong domain, and no matter how many times I said that they were wrong, no matter how many times I pulled up the whois data on the sites and showed how the modified date on The Sarskaia Foundation dot org site matched the created date on Sarskaia dot org, they still maintained that I had lied for some unstated nefarious reason. The implication for the thousands, if not millions, of visitors who have seen this statement is that I am a liar, as the Oma Hamou Report dot org site was linked to by a secret invisible link on main page of Bob’s site which is linked to by the Encyclopedia Britannica. The further implication was that I must be evil also, and that what I said shouldn’t be trusted.
At the time we were too close to the trees to see the forest, so it kind of went right over our heads, but looking back there was a sort of religious fervor – fanaticism, perhaps? -- in what they said about Oma Hamou, and the way they steadfastly ignored any evidence we submitted which disproved what they had said, typically claiming that such was a fraud or somehow faked.
As I dug into Mr. Atchison’s own data and sources and discovered that he had misread the data, or intentionally misreported it (as seemed to be a growing conviction in my own mind), well it kind of turned out that I was becoming Ms. Hamou’s “White Knight” and jousting with words with Mr. Atchison and the people who doggedly clung to the doctrine that Mr. Atchison espoused. In a way, it was as if two fervent and zealous missionaries from different sects were competing for converts, as often happened back in history not many years ago: each standing on his own soap box in the park, casting aspersions at the other, while not really listening to the contrary view, each secure in his faith that he held the correct position. I did take the time to look at what was said about Oma, ask questions, check out the data, and refute what I knew to be false (while also acknowledging the kernel of truth that was often at the heart of what was said), although many times such acknowledgement simultaneously meant that I justified that, yes, Oma Hamou did do wrong many years ago; yes, she did write some bad checks; but that she also made restitution in full for her mistakes, and paid her debt to society. Actually, considering the circumstances, she paid many times over. From the perspective of a battered woman and mother desperately trying to protect her children from harm, her being held in jail in lieu of bail may just have saved her and her children’s lives. She was truly the Cinderella princess and the “Rocky” story rolled into one big roll of fudge and served up to the public. The climb from failure to winner is a classic American tale.
It seemed that, shortly after Mr. Atchison
published on his own web site his beliefs regarding how evil Oma was, he consulted with an attorney, as he did remove the pages he had on his own site. Well, either that, or he realized that, between his story about Oma and his links to her on his site, that he was sending much traffic to Oma, and bouncing her new site sky high on Google and other Internet Search Engines. Anyway, his “Hate Oma” pages vanished from the pages of the Alexander Palace dot org , to be replaced with a secret link on the main page to new websites, “The Oma Hamou Report,” which began showing up on the Internet, hosted on free web page sites such as Geocities. All claimed the exact same things that his Alexander Palace dot org pages had claimed, but each time the pages became fancier.
Almost as fast as we could get a “Hate Oma” site removed from one host, the site would pop up somewhere else. One time, it showed up on Free Web Site Hosting dot com, which it turned out was administered by a friend of mine who lived in my home town. He checked the account creations logs and the IP address used to create the account (IP address: traced (using the standard Microsoft program TRACERT) back to Pallasart, Inc., the company that Mr. Atchison was president of and which he owned. After that host removed it, it showed up again hosted by a pay for hosting company, but under a name that (along with the hosting company) had no valid contact information, and when valid contact information finally did show up, it turned out that the domain name was eventually claimed by a Pallasart associate, Rob Moshein -- Bob Atchison’s life partner.
The site, which was named Oma Hamou Report dot org, stayed up this time, and the battle was now waged on that site, and on Oma’s forum. Later we were to learn that physical and email letters, personal phone calls, private messages and such were also used to spread the word that Oma was evil.
Not long after this (June 2004) I had introduced Ms. Hamou to someone that I knew from my past (how can you, especially if you are a computer geek – even a uber geek -- resist bragging about such associations as being friends with “The” Oma?). This was an old client who I felt had “Connections” with a capital “C”, and for whom I had done web design and I.T. work, who said that he had connections to the United Nations, and could assist Ms. Hamou in becoming a United Nations NGO, which he thought would allow her to bypass many of the regulations for standard U.S. Company’s that a U.N. NGO would not have to abide by in regards to working with a foreign government. He also felt that Oma should change the structure of her legal incorporation and move it to Nevada so that Mr. Atchison would not be looking in that direction and attacking by sending letters telling anyone who would listen, and even those who would not, what a evil woman Ms. Hamou was (as he had in the past).
A placid recital of facts simply cannot convey how the next few weeks felt, but let’s start with that. The day it all started felt normal, but it would not stay that way. A date had been set for a Oma to go to the U.N., checks were to be deposited for getting the NGO status and pay for the new corporate reorganization, but they were not deposited first thing in the morning as promised and somehow it had become critical that the money be there --- Right Now!
I’ll now to try to give you an understanding of how it felt when it hit the fans. Imagine that you are in the path of a tornado, but you can’t see it yet. In fact, the skies are a placid blue overhead. Vague rumblings of a summer storm can be heard, as a few emails arrive, then out of nowhere this tornado touches down. Emails flying every which way --- where is the money? We need it now! No one is answering their phone, I am thousands of miles away. The wind is howling, cars are being tossed every which way, houses are exploding as the tornado comes at you with the sound of a thousand freight trains rumbling straight toward you. The feverish demands only caused those who were taking care of this to pause and ask why? Although it was claimed that work had been done over the weekend, it was discovered that the none of the corporate names selected had been reserved, not one, nor could anyone find a trace of any work having been done. As no work could be seen that he had done, and the U.N. had not heard of Oma, and the U.N. appointment was just the date of a conference, and as the pressure to have Oma pay him, and pay him now, was so great, Oma’s office sensibly refused to pay him, until they could make sense of everything.
As events unfolded over the next few days, confusion reigned. Ultimately the storm took me in its grasp and flung me helplessly into the sky. I could not track what was unfolding, as it all happened so fast and in a manner that was beyond anything in my experience. Remember that, for the most part, I am just a quiet, “hide-in-my-cubicle,” computer nerd. For a moment it seemed that calm had descended, but actually I was at the heart of a perfect storm. The calm ended in a phone call from Bob Atchison himself. One point of humor (at least looking back on the situation) is that, as Bob released his verbal and situational bomb over me, he told me that he never expected to talk to me as he thought I was a fake person that Oma had created. In essence, Bob’s verbal bomb was that the police had called him and told him that he was the target of a murder for hire assassin and that I had become involved and the police would be arresting me on charges of conspiracy to commit murder --- all because I had enabled Ms. Hamou to continue to defend herself by saying that what he KNEW to be true, was not true.
This was the start of the Murder for Hire Plot battle in the war against Oma by Bob Atchison. Again, a calm recital of the facts can’t begin to explain how it felt to be in the middle of all this. It was the start of unbelievable personal turmoil, pain and hurt. In person, Mr. Atchison could charm the spots off a leopard. He has a power, an aura about him, that is almost irresistible. While talking to him on the phone I felt compassion for him, and I felt as if what he said was the utter and absolute truth. He told me of how Oma had scammed and ripped off a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church and forced the priest to be homeless. Under the onslaught of the emotions that poured from Mr. Atchison, I found my core values to actually be swayed into agreement with him.
In spite of this, I continued to stay and provide defense for Oma on her web site. But now Mr. Atchison and his life partner Mr. Moshein (as well as this client, who was eventually revealed as the supposed hit man), ganged up on me. I was being hit from all directions to leave Oma, to let her flounder and go under as they felt so surely must happen if only I would stop defending her. I was told that web sites about me, similar to what was done to Oma Hamou, were being designed, sites on which I would be accused of being a child pornographer (a threat to which today there is no defense, as just the accusation will “kill” as fast or faster than if it had been the truth), and that U.S. postal service letters to this effect would be sent to my nearest neighbors. That my wife and neighbors would be told in no uncertain words that I was in the middle of a love affair with Oma Hamou, and that we were sexual partners many times over.
All sorts of threats were sent my way (sticks and stones may break your bones, but trust me, words can “kill” you, over and over again), and all I had to do to stop it was leave Oma, to quit protecting her. Diarrhea, stomach problems, hot and cold sweats, crying jags, and on top of that situations and words were tossed at me so fast and so furious that when I was offered (in a “good cop, bad cop” type ploy) that if I would only shut Oma’s site down, and leave her as a web master, that it would all go away, and that the client that I had respected so much that I introduced him to Oma would be able to protect me from Mr. Atchison (as he had been convinced that Mr. Atchison was telling the truth about Oma, and he was now in Mr. Atchison’s good graces). To say that I experienced stress is similar to saying the Titanic was just a boat, and to be honest I felt that I was going down just as fast as she sank beneath the waves. I am ashamed to admit that I did take Oma’s sites off line, and only now looking back on this time do I dimly begin to understand the power of psychological threats and pressures and then what happens when the pressure is suddenly removed.
Luckily my wife of over thirty years knows me well, and as she has been in my presence nearly every time that I have had phone contact with Oma, and she would often go to California with me when I worked with Oma, so that particular threat evaporated. The other was a threat that no matter how innocent you are, just the rumor alone is enough to destroy a person; there is no defense against it, although now that the knowledge of the threat has been made public, most of its sting has been neutralized.
Luckily for Oma I was not the only technologically-oriented person she knew, and her sites were back up almost as fast as they went down. Oma, because of what she has gone through in her past, once every thing settled down and we talked, understood why I had done what I did, and the end result of this was that we grew even closer together. She forgave me, and our friendship became firmly entrenched, and is now equal in strength to the Rock of Gibraltar. Oma is now a part of my family in a very special way, and my family loves and accepts her as if she had always been a part of our family.
Much time has passed, I have learned much more about the Alexander Palace, both the one in Russia and the one on the web. The war against Oma has never stopped. The faces change, but the weapons are the same. Ultimately it seems that the new faces trace back to Mr. Bob Atchison and his associates. As to the Murder for Hire Plot, we have now seen phone records and other data which show the sequence of events surrounding it just do not match what was said by Mr. Atchison and in fact it appears that the whole thing was concocted (The Big Lie) as some sort of revenge, as a way to place her behind bars and remove her from competition for what seems to be the affections of the Alexander Palace --- yes, I know it sounds absolutely ludicrous and unbelievable, but I also know of no other way to describe what I have experienced.
In the history books (yes, I now realize the value of history and have read perhaps more in the past few years than in all the rest of my life!,) there is a device of propaganda called the “Big Lie,” a technique that has been used very successfully by any number of leaders. This technique consists of telling a lie so "monstrously huge" that no one would believe anyone (to quote Adolph Hitler) "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously." During World War II, the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile said, “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.” As time has passed I have grown ever more convinced that Mr. Bob Atchison, a self described historian, is very much a devoted student of the “Big Lie” propaganda technique, and has used it consistently and successfully in regards to Oma Hamou.
I now firmly believe that a non religious cult surrounding its charismatic leader, Mr. Bob Atchison, has sprung up around a Internet group interested in the Alexander Palace and the last of the Czars; and, as with any cult (or perhaps it is better to say “cult like group”), I have seen people cast out of the group presence (the Forum at the Alexander Palace Time Machine on the Alexander Palace dot org) as discipline. In fact, I have seen intelligent and very well educated people mocked, publicly ridiculed, and ejected from the forum, merely for expressing views that run contrary to Mr. Atchison’s. I have seen smart, well-informed people meekly accept what was told them by Mr. Atchison as the truth and babble it forth as a zombie would, repeating the same old worn-out lies that those of us who weathered past onslaughts have heard, but from new faces. I could go on, but psychology is too dry of a topic to end this story with.
Having personally experienced the power behind Mr. Atchison’s personality, I can understand how people fall into his trap. He has a wonderful web site, with all kinds of eye candy to entice those who find a fascination with history and specifically the story of the last of the Czars. You are pulled in, you can’t help it, and you are then subjected to a weeding out if you participate with the forum located there. Eventually, for those of the “right” mind set, you get to Mr. Atchison, and once that happens you are his. In his presence the leopard would give up its spots. As was said many years ago about the ultimate salesman of old, he could sell refrigerators to Eskimos.
I still to this day have reactions to my brush with a form of spiritual and emotional death that my brief encounter with Mr. Atchison has left. It is with very real fear and trepidation that I still continue to defend Oma, never knowing at what time I could become the center of his attentions, at times waking from a deep sleep drenched with a cold sweat, and vague memories of nightmares involving him drifting through the first waking wisps of consciousness. I stay because of my belief in Oma’s dream and my belief that Oma has shown me that what she experienced in her past is true, that Oma did experience a horrible time at the hands of someone who said that he loved her, and the true horror of the reality of what happened to her children, to say nothing of the yet unspoken trauma that she lived through back then.
I have seen how Oma was succeeding in her dream and then, all of a sudden, she came to an abrupt and startling stop, as all cooperation between Oma and Russia halted. Oma could not at the time understand why, but now we know that Mr. Atchison personally traveled to Russia and caused that cooperation to dry up. This in turn caused her to lose funding. Oma struggled on in spite of the lack of data that she needed, trying to get people in Russia to give her what she needed to complete the milestones required to continue to get funding. Many of us have helped to support the dream by contributing cold hard cash to keep the dream alive, and we have suffered because of that as we have had to cut short money that should have gone to feed our families . . . but, instead, went to keep a dream alive. After having put millions of her own money into the project, can you imagine how traumatic it was to Oma to switch from being the one who supported all these families to having to humble herself into accepting help? We have also contributed our time to keeping this dream alive because we believe the dream is worthwhile.
Almost as fast as we could get a “Hate Oma” site removed from one host, the site would pop up somewhere else. One time, it showed up on Free Web Site Hosting dot com, which it turned out was administered by a friend of mine who lived in my home town. He checked the account creations logs and the IP address used to create the account (IP address: traced (using the standard Microsoft program TRACERT) back to Pallasart, Inc., the company that Mr. Atchison was president of and which he owned. After that host removed it, it showed up again hosted by a pay for hosting company, but under a name that (along with the hosting company) had no valid contact information, and when valid contact information finally did show up, it turned out that the domain name was eventually claimed by a Pallasart associate, Rob Moshein -- Bob Atchison’s life partner.
The site, which was named Oma Hamou Report dot org, stayed up this time, and the battle was now waged on that site, and on Oma’s forum. Later we were to learn that physical and email letters, personal phone calls, private messages and such were also used to spread the word that Oma was evil.
Not long after this (June 2004) I had introduced Ms. Hamou to someone that I knew from my past (how can you, especially if you are a computer geek – even a uber geek -- resist bragging about such associations as being friends with “The” Oma?). This was an old client who I felt had “Connections” with a capital “C”, and for whom I had done web design and I.T. work, who said that he had connections to the United Nations, and could assist Ms. Hamou in becoming a United Nations NGO, which he thought would allow her to bypass many of the regulations for standard U.S. Company’s that a U.N. NGO would not have to abide by in regards to working with a foreign government. He also felt that Oma should change the structure of her legal incorporation and move it to Nevada so that Mr. Atchison would not be looking in that direction and attacking by sending letters telling anyone who would listen, and even those who would not, what a evil woman Ms. Hamou was (as he had in the past).
A placid recital of facts simply cannot convey how the next few weeks felt, but let’s start with that. The day it all started felt normal, but it would not stay that way. A date had been set for a Oma to go to the U.N., checks were to be deposited for getting the NGO status and pay for the new corporate reorganization, but they were not deposited first thing in the morning as promised and somehow it had become critical that the money be there --- Right Now!
I’ll now to try to give you an understanding of how it felt when it hit the fans. Imagine that you are in the path of a tornado, but you can’t see it yet. In fact, the skies are a placid blue overhead. Vague rumblings of a summer storm can be heard, as a few emails arrive, then out of nowhere this tornado touches down. Emails flying every which way --- where is the money? We need it now! No one is answering their phone, I am thousands of miles away. The wind is howling, cars are being tossed every which way, houses are exploding as the tornado comes at you with the sound of a thousand freight trains rumbling straight toward you. The feverish demands only caused those who were taking care of this to pause and ask why? Although it was claimed that work had been done over the weekend, it was discovered that the none of the corporate names selected had been reserved, not one, nor could anyone find a trace of any work having been done. As no work could be seen that he had done, and the U.N. had not heard of Oma, and the U.N. appointment was just the date of a conference, and as the pressure to have Oma pay him, and pay him now, was so great, Oma’s office sensibly refused to pay him, until they could make sense of everything.
As events unfolded over the next few days, confusion reigned. Ultimately the storm took me in its grasp and flung me helplessly into the sky. I could not track what was unfolding, as it all happened so fast and in a manner that was beyond anything in my experience. Remember that, for the most part, I am just a quiet, “hide-in-my-cubicle,” computer nerd. For a moment it seemed that calm had descended, but actually I was at the heart of a perfect storm. The calm ended in a phone call from Bob Atchison himself. One point of humor (at least looking back on the situation) is that, as Bob released his verbal and situational bomb over me, he told me that he never expected to talk to me as he thought I was a fake person that Oma had created. In essence, Bob’s verbal bomb was that the police had called him and told him that he was the target of a murder for hire assassin and that I had become involved and the police would be arresting me on charges of conspiracy to commit murder --- all because I had enabled Ms. Hamou to continue to defend herself by saying that what he KNEW to be true, was not true.
This was the start of the Murder for Hire Plot battle in the war against Oma by Bob Atchison. Again, a calm recital of the facts can’t begin to explain how it felt to be in the middle of all this. It was the start of unbelievable personal turmoil, pain and hurt. In person, Mr. Atchison could charm the spots off a leopard. He has a power, an aura about him, that is almost irresistible. While talking to him on the phone I felt compassion for him, and I felt as if what he said was the utter and absolute truth. He told me of how Oma had scammed and ripped off a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church and forced the priest to be homeless. Under the onslaught of the emotions that poured from Mr. Atchison, I found my core values to actually be swayed into agreement with him.
In spite of this, I continued to stay and provide defense for Oma on her web site. But now Mr. Atchison and his life partner Mr. Moshein (as well as this client, who was eventually revealed as the supposed hit man), ganged up on me. I was being hit from all directions to leave Oma, to let her flounder and go under as they felt so surely must happen if only I would stop defending her. I was told that web sites about me, similar to what was done to Oma Hamou, were being designed, sites on which I would be accused of being a child pornographer (a threat to which today there is no defense, as just the accusation will “kill” as fast or faster than if it had been the truth), and that U.S. postal service letters to this effect would be sent to my nearest neighbors. That my wife and neighbors would be told in no uncertain words that I was in the middle of a love affair with Oma Hamou, and that we were sexual partners many times over.
All sorts of threats were sent my way (sticks and stones may break your bones, but trust me, words can “kill” you, over and over again), and all I had to do to stop it was leave Oma, to quit protecting her. Diarrhea, stomach problems, hot and cold sweats, crying jags, and on top of that situations and words were tossed at me so fast and so furious that when I was offered (in a “good cop, bad cop” type ploy) that if I would only shut Oma’s site down, and leave her as a web master, that it would all go away, and that the client that I had respected so much that I introduced him to Oma would be able to protect me from Mr. Atchison (as he had been convinced that Mr. Atchison was telling the truth about Oma, and he was now in Mr. Atchison’s good graces). To say that I experienced stress is similar to saying the Titanic was just a boat, and to be honest I felt that I was going down just as fast as she sank beneath the waves. I am ashamed to admit that I did take Oma’s sites off line, and only now looking back on this time do I dimly begin to understand the power of psychological threats and pressures and then what happens when the pressure is suddenly removed.
Luckily my wife of over thirty years knows me well, and as she has been in my presence nearly every time that I have had phone contact with Oma, and she would often go to California with me when I worked with Oma, so that particular threat evaporated. The other was a threat that no matter how innocent you are, just the rumor alone is enough to destroy a person; there is no defense against it, although now that the knowledge of the threat has been made public, most of its sting has been neutralized.
Luckily for Oma I was not the only technologically-oriented person she knew, and her sites were back up almost as fast as they went down. Oma, because of what she has gone through in her past, once every thing settled down and we talked, understood why I had done what I did, and the end result of this was that we grew even closer together. She forgave me, and our friendship became firmly entrenched, and is now equal in strength to the Rock of Gibraltar. Oma is now a part of my family in a very special way, and my family loves and accepts her as if she had always been a part of our family.
Much time has passed, I have learned much more about the Alexander Palace, both the one in Russia and the one on the web. The war against Oma has never stopped. The faces change, but the weapons are the same. Ultimately it seems that the new faces trace back to Mr. Bob Atchison and his associates. As to the Murder for Hire Plot, we have now seen phone records and other data which show the sequence of events surrounding it just do not match what was said by Mr. Atchison and in fact it appears that the whole thing was concocted (The Big Lie) as some sort of revenge, as a way to place her behind bars and remove her from competition for what seems to be the affections of the Alexander Palace --- yes, I know it sounds absolutely ludicrous and unbelievable, but I also know of no other way to describe what I have experienced.
In the history books (yes, I now realize the value of history and have read perhaps more in the past few years than in all the rest of my life!,) there is a device of propaganda called the “Big Lie,” a technique that has been used very successfully by any number of leaders. This technique consists of telling a lie so "monstrously huge" that no one would believe anyone (to quote Adolph Hitler) "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously." During World War II, the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile said, “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.” As time has passed I have grown ever more convinced that Mr. Bob Atchison, a self described historian, is very much a devoted student of the “Big Lie” propaganda technique, and has used it consistently and successfully in regards to Oma Hamou.
I now firmly believe that a non religious cult surrounding its charismatic leader, Mr. Bob Atchison, has sprung up around a Internet group interested in the Alexander Palace and the last of the Czars; and, as with any cult (or perhaps it is better to say “cult like group”), I have seen people cast out of the group presence (the Forum at the Alexander Palace Time Machine on the Alexander Palace dot org) as discipline. In fact, I have seen intelligent and very well educated people mocked, publicly ridiculed, and ejected from the forum, merely for expressing views that run contrary to Mr. Atchison’s. I have seen smart, well-informed people meekly accept what was told them by Mr. Atchison as the truth and babble it forth as a zombie would, repeating the same old worn-out lies that those of us who weathered past onslaughts have heard, but from new faces. I could go on, but psychology is too dry of a topic to end this story with.
Having personally experienced the power behind Mr. Atchison’s personality, I can understand how people fall into his trap. He has a wonderful web site, with all kinds of eye candy to entice those who find a fascination with history and specifically the story of the last of the Czars. You are pulled in, you can’t help it, and you are then subjected to a weeding out if you participate with the forum located there. Eventually, for those of the “right” mind set, you get to Mr. Atchison, and once that happens you are his. In his presence the leopard would give up its spots. As was said many years ago about the ultimate salesman of old, he could sell refrigerators to Eskimos.
I still to this day have reactions to my brush with a form of spiritual and emotional death that my brief encounter with Mr. Atchison has left. It is with very real fear and trepidation that I still continue to defend Oma, never knowing at what time I could become the center of his attentions, at times waking from a deep sleep drenched with a cold sweat, and vague memories of nightmares involving him drifting through the first waking wisps of consciousness. I stay because of my belief in Oma’s dream and my belief that Oma has shown me that what she experienced in her past is true, that Oma did experience a horrible time at the hands of someone who said that he loved her, and the true horror of the reality of what happened to her children, to say nothing of the yet unspoken trauma that she lived through back then.
I have seen how Oma was succeeding in her dream and then, all of a sudden, she came to an abrupt and startling stop, as all cooperation between Oma and Russia halted. Oma could not at the time understand why, but now we know that Mr. Atchison personally traveled to Russia and caused that cooperation to dry up. This in turn caused her to lose funding. Oma struggled on in spite of the lack of data that she needed, trying to get people in Russia to give her what she needed to complete the milestones required to continue to get funding. Many of us have helped to support the dream by contributing cold hard cash to keep the dream alive, and we have suffered because of that as we have had to cut short money that should have gone to feed our families . . . but, instead, went to keep a dream alive. After having put millions of her own money into the project, can you imagine how traumatic it was to Oma to switch from being the one who supported all these families to having to humble herself into accepting help? We have also contributed our time to keeping this dream alive because we believe the dream is worthwhile.
This has been my personal experience, so far, with what ever it is that drives some people to extremes because of an obsession with the Alexander Palace and the last of the Czars. Oma recently told me that she has been, “emotionally and spiritually riddled with words, and left nigh unto death” because of her having met Bob Atchison, and as she uttered those words I knew with absolute certainty that we had shared in the same experience.
“We” could have finished this movie. People the world over could have shared in this dream. The monetary benefits to just the city of St. Petersburg alone are staggering to contemplate, and what a successful movie would have done for the careers of all those who have believed and stayed with the project is almost unthinkable. Fame and fortune awaited us, but one man killed the dream. You see, it seems that only those who the self-styled gatekeeper, Mr. Atchison, “allows” to dream a dream about the Last of the Czars and the Alexander Palace can dream it.
This story is not yet finished, we may be in the middle of tear jerker scene where all looks hopeless, but I believe that good will ultimately overcome. If I could write the script for the future, I would be writing/producing/directing a movie where Cinderella plays Rocky Balboa, based on Oma’s life with all her trials, tribulations, and triumphs from a baby on, I can visualize the various scenes vividly and how I would stage each one, and it would finish by showing her become triumphant in court over this stumbling block to her dream, the bad guys get their just rewards, and the closing scene would have Oma in the staring role of her own movie. Because dreams can come true……
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006

Another warning on the AA Legend Forum
Mike warns Rob....
We can prove through Pallasart its President and Founder, Bob Atchison that 'they" alone (not you) created the Oma Hamou Report website by virtue of Bob’s own statements to the police in Austin, the FBI and California law enforcement ... We can prove that YOU were listed as Pallasart’s “Bookkeeper” in 2004 and continue to the present day participate in the day to day activities of Pallasart. Rob, you will not get to depose Oma. Back in November of 2003, Bob Atchison also attempted to bully Oma and her attorney, Mr. Slater into not filing her counterclaims against Pallasart by saying the same things you’ve repeatedly published here on this forum...
Today on AA Legend Forum "Mike" posted a reply to Rob Moshein...
Mike wrote:
Oh, so you have been reading the raw log to prove what? That sometimes my IP shows one thing and at another time it shows a different value? Let me do a little advertising for a great product if you really need suspenders and belt or more bandwidth, it is called a twin WAN router from Xincom
The XC-DPG402 Twin WAN Router is a high-performance NAT Router providing Broadband Internet Access for your LAN stations, supporting up to two (2) concurrent Broadband connections. It is a convenient, inexpensive method of providing both increased performance and greater reliability for your Internet connection. Flexible configuration options allow use of the second Broadband connection as a backup (used whenever the primary connection fails) or for concurrent operation to provide increased bandwidth and greater reliability.
The next great product is from Steganos
How does Steganos Internet Anonym VPN work?
A virtual private network (VPN) establishes a tunnel between your computer and one of the Steganos VPN servers. All your activities on the Internet are then carried out through that tunnel. The tunnel encrypts all information that runs through it by using an SSL connection which protects the information from being eavesdropped – even by your ISP. SSL connections are, for instance, also used for online banking activities. The tunnel leads to one of the Steganos servers which, in turn, forwards the request onto the Web. This way you can act completely anonymously on the Internet. The other point that can really mess up someone who thinks that an IP absolutely nails down who looked at your little picture is that a computer can have multiple LAN ports installed, using multiple ISP’s and even double that using a Xincom router. You enter the system using a standard VPN then Windows will let you out into the world of the Web using the other LAN port. This is an ideal setup if you are trying to configure a virtual office so that people all over the world can interact as if in the same building. AOL and some of the Big Guys work this way, you enter AOL on one port and they let you out into the Internet on another Port.
I know that on occasion I’ve been reading the raw logs at and noticed that several times I showed up in Seattle. Look we already know that you have a hard time reading the data and coming up with the correct conclusions, just look at that little fiasco where you claimed that I was working for Enigma a year before I started to work with her --- based on when the domain was registered, not when it was modified, or when the correct domain was created, as you know, you looked at the wrong domain in the first place to come up with that erroneous conclusion.
I want to thank you. “We” (actually the lawyers told us to do it this way) knew that if we said “nothing” that you would get so frustrated that you and other Pallasart associates would do something “stupid.” OK, so we thought at first that Vapors was you or Bob (Atchison) but we do know that Bob has viewed this forum from time to time if not participated... That is if given enough Rope… So now that the statute of limitations has been reset --- thanks to you, Oma can get on with the job of finishing up that Civil Lawsuit that she was forced to unsuit when She and Bob last met, because she would have been forced to represent herself, and any Lawyer who has themselves as a client has a fool as a client.
Rob, Bob and your associates have been so predictable on this forum and so accommodating. At the same time you've been able to prove nothing by obsessively spending all that time tracing the IP's of those who come on this forum and see that little jpeg of yours. While on the other hand you've help further prove Oma's new civil lawsuit against Pallasart and Bob Atchison. Legends has turned out to be a treasure trove for the purposes of taking a case that was so strong that you were willing at one time to sign off on a $1.00 and leave Oma alone settlement. Now it has gone from a good strong case to a titanium clad case. Around 200 documents backing up and documenting various points was prepared for the criminal case. All the police will have to do is verify the accuracy of those documents, and send it on to the District Attorney or who ever it is that they send such things on to. Their work was done for them, all documented in advance. Again, thank you for your help in this.
More importantly Rob, a letter was sent to Bob (Atchison) asking him to cease and desist which included Pallasart and its associates. You know that letter that the lawyers make you send so that there is a documented paper trail prior to going to court? Oma has 99% of what she needs in place, but we are still waiting on one more thing from the courts, once that is finished you will get to see the new brief to the courts, probably about two weeks from now. We did not really expect you to cease and desist as it seems as if you are all about control or why else would you be spending so much time checking raw logs, which again proves Enigma, Sarskaia and Oma's point about you and Bob and the control you like to pretend you have -- why don't you do yourself and Bob/Pallasart and a favor and quit stalking and harassing people and use your skill as an attorney and try to figure out how in the world you’re going to bail Pallasart out of its problems.
How are you going to help Bob (Atchison) explain to the police and courts why he continues to take money from people pretending that Pallasart is legitimate? That also goes for the import/export business he runs out of your home... All the while everyone who has taken your side has been screaming for “us” to prove that Oma was this that or the other, we have been playing you all like a fiddle, and you have all danced the dance.
The same now goes for what you call the sockpuppet theater. You have been so focused on this must be Oma and only Oma that (just like a magicians sleigh-of-hand) you missed all the rest of the ploys that we did, actually it was more of what we did not do, so that you of your own free will and accord stuck your foot in your mouth again. Good Job… Good Job….
Mike wrote Jim asked me to post this for him:
Rob & Bob:
Trouble with penetrating your consciousness is that you may be actually living in your own delusions and may not know that there is a reality that you seem to be completely unruffled by. Reality is that its a crime to file false police reports, conspire and concoct a murder for hire scheme, defraud people out of their money and a slew of other things, and as remarkable as it is how long you've been getting away with it events are in motion to bring your own hateful sadism back onto your own self in full force. Bob (Atchison), I heard you cried during the trial when a few of your lies were laid bare and you felt somewhat exposed the thing about crying is when you torture somebody and utterly destroy their lives for 5 years with unbelievable cruelty your cry baby ways are going to back fire. For years I’ve had to listen to Oma offer sympathy to you as you continue with your wonton actions of destruction against her, and heard her say that she didn’t want you to go to jail or your money she just wanted you to stop, well she doesn’t say that anymore. Thank God. Your blatant disregard for anything but your own delusions and your hatefulness provided an uncommon amount of documentation of your criminal acts coupled with the fact that Oma is one of the most meticulous record keeper in the world it is my belief that I will finally get to watch the law to do its job and give you the kind of grief for cause that you’ve attempted to give Oma without cause. It is a strong probability Bob that you will be hauled off to jail. Remember as you cry think of me think of the fortunes that you shot to hell and think of me reveling in the fact that you are a crybaby.
Mike wrote:
Oh, so you have been reading the raw log to prove what? That sometimes my IP shows one thing and at another time it shows a different value? Let me do a little advertising for a great product if you really need suspenders and belt or more bandwidth, it is called a twin WAN router from Xincom
The XC-DPG402 Twin WAN Router is a high-performance NAT Router providing Broadband Internet Access for your LAN stations, supporting up to two (2) concurrent Broadband connections. It is a convenient, inexpensive method of providing both increased performance and greater reliability for your Internet connection. Flexible configuration options allow use of the second Broadband connection as a backup (used whenever the primary connection fails) or for concurrent operation to provide increased bandwidth and greater reliability.
The next great product is from Steganos
How does Steganos Internet Anonym VPN work?
A virtual private network (VPN) establishes a tunnel between your computer and one of the Steganos VPN servers. All your activities on the Internet are then carried out through that tunnel. The tunnel encrypts all information that runs through it by using an SSL connection which protects the information from being eavesdropped – even by your ISP. SSL connections are, for instance, also used for online banking activities. The tunnel leads to one of the Steganos servers which, in turn, forwards the request onto the Web. This way you can act completely anonymously on the Internet. The other point that can really mess up someone who thinks that an IP absolutely nails down who looked at your little picture is that a computer can have multiple LAN ports installed, using multiple ISP’s and even double that using a Xincom router. You enter the system using a standard VPN then Windows will let you out into the world of the Web using the other LAN port. This is an ideal setup if you are trying to configure a virtual office so that people all over the world can interact as if in the same building. AOL and some of the Big Guys work this way, you enter AOL on one port and they let you out into the Internet on another Port.
I know that on occasion I’ve been reading the raw logs at and noticed that several times I showed up in Seattle. Look we already know that you have a hard time reading the data and coming up with the correct conclusions, just look at that little fiasco where you claimed that I was working for Enigma a year before I started to work with her --- based on when the domain was registered, not when it was modified, or when the correct domain was created, as you know, you looked at the wrong domain in the first place to come up with that erroneous conclusion.
I want to thank you. “We” (actually the lawyers told us to do it this way) knew that if we said “nothing” that you would get so frustrated that you and other Pallasart associates would do something “stupid.” OK, so we thought at first that Vapors was you or Bob (Atchison) but we do know that Bob has viewed this forum from time to time if not participated... That is if given enough Rope… So now that the statute of limitations has been reset --- thanks to you, Oma can get on with the job of finishing up that Civil Lawsuit that she was forced to unsuit when She and Bob last met, because she would have been forced to represent herself, and any Lawyer who has themselves as a client has a fool as a client.
Rob, Bob and your associates have been so predictable on this forum and so accommodating. At the same time you've been able to prove nothing by obsessively spending all that time tracing the IP's of those who come on this forum and see that little jpeg of yours. While on the other hand you've help further prove Oma's new civil lawsuit against Pallasart and Bob Atchison. Legends has turned out to be a treasure trove for the purposes of taking a case that was so strong that you were willing at one time to sign off on a $1.00 and leave Oma alone settlement. Now it has gone from a good strong case to a titanium clad case. Around 200 documents backing up and documenting various points was prepared for the criminal case. All the police will have to do is verify the accuracy of those documents, and send it on to the District Attorney or who ever it is that they send such things on to. Their work was done for them, all documented in advance. Again, thank you for your help in this.
More importantly Rob, a letter was sent to Bob (Atchison) asking him to cease and desist which included Pallasart and its associates. You know that letter that the lawyers make you send so that there is a documented paper trail prior to going to court? Oma has 99% of what she needs in place, but we are still waiting on one more thing from the courts, once that is finished you will get to see the new brief to the courts, probably about two weeks from now. We did not really expect you to cease and desist as it seems as if you are all about control or why else would you be spending so much time checking raw logs, which again proves Enigma, Sarskaia and Oma's point about you and Bob and the control you like to pretend you have -- why don't you do yourself and Bob/Pallasart and a favor and quit stalking and harassing people and use your skill as an attorney and try to figure out how in the world you’re going to bail Pallasart out of its problems.
How are you going to help Bob (Atchison) explain to the police and courts why he continues to take money from people pretending that Pallasart is legitimate? That also goes for the import/export business he runs out of your home... All the while everyone who has taken your side has been screaming for “us” to prove that Oma was this that or the other, we have been playing you all like a fiddle, and you have all danced the dance.
The same now goes for what you call the sockpuppet theater. You have been so focused on this must be Oma and only Oma that (just like a magicians sleigh-of-hand) you missed all the rest of the ploys that we did, actually it was more of what we did not do, so that you of your own free will and accord stuck your foot in your mouth again. Good Job… Good Job….
Mike wrote Jim asked me to post this for him:
Rob & Bob:
Trouble with penetrating your consciousness is that you may be actually living in your own delusions and may not know that there is a reality that you seem to be completely unruffled by. Reality is that its a crime to file false police reports, conspire and concoct a murder for hire scheme, defraud people out of their money and a slew of other things, and as remarkable as it is how long you've been getting away with it events are in motion to bring your own hateful sadism back onto your own self in full force. Bob (Atchison), I heard you cried during the trial when a few of your lies were laid bare and you felt somewhat exposed the thing about crying is when you torture somebody and utterly destroy their lives for 5 years with unbelievable cruelty your cry baby ways are going to back fire. For years I’ve had to listen to Oma offer sympathy to you as you continue with your wonton actions of destruction against her, and heard her say that she didn’t want you to go to jail or your money she just wanted you to stop, well she doesn’t say that anymore. Thank God. Your blatant disregard for anything but your own delusions and your hatefulness provided an uncommon amount of documentation of your criminal acts coupled with the fact that Oma is one of the most meticulous record keeper in the world it is my belief that I will finally get to watch the law to do its job and give you the kind of grief for cause that you’ve attempted to give Oma without cause. It is a strong probability Bob that you will be hauled off to jail. Remember as you cry think of me think of the fortunes that you shot to hell and think of me reveling in the fact that you are a crybaby.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Heat is On.....
From the AA Forum:
Rob Moshein wrote:
Oma, give it a rest. Can't you see that NOBODY cares? Nobody buys sockpuppet theatre. Its all you. Pathetic, but still, all you. Sentient beings can see thru it. Give it up. There are no legions of adoring fans. even sockpuppet Mike admitted you have no real acting record. So, find half a buck to call anyone who cares. They arent here.
Mike wrote:
Back to stalking IP's are we...
For those who are wondering why Rob suddenly has made an appearance back on this forum. This afternoon Oma sent several letters out by email and by regular mail to several people as a preliminary and necessary step of the pending litigation. Her email to Bob Atchison bounced back to Enigma so as a friend, Oma asked if I would forward her below message to him, which I did.
The police believe in the criminal complaint that Oma's filed against Bob and Pallasart and everyone says that she's got a great civil case against them. You know that her case is solid too because both Bob and you were willing to settle her lawsuit for a dollar, a permanent restraining order and a public apology, the first time this went around.
I guess this is as a good place to mention it as any, but Bob probably shouldn't continue to do business as normal, especially when the state says you can't. By doing this, Pallasart continues to defraud the public by pretending that it is a legitimate company and taking peoples money when the state says that you can’t, this is FRAUD, but you already know this. There was this great website done just a few weeks ago. Now those good people thought they were dealing with a legitimate Texas corporation when they paid Pallasart an awful lot of money, only now they've learned that Pallasart's been suspended since February 2006. Tsk. Tsk.
Let's see --- "your" sockpuppets have threatened Oma and her businesses on this forum and more while Justin and I have posted under our real names and have made statements that Oma's side can prove in court is true. You and your 'sockpuppets' came on this forum and published a bunch of things about the police and all this good stuff that makes a lawsuit 'juicy' when none of the things that you or your sockpuppets have said is true.
A letter Oma wrote to Bob...
Bob Atchison
This letter is to demand that you immediately cease and desist from communicating and otherwise publishing defamatory statements regarding, Enigma Films, Inc, The Sarskaia Foundation, Inc. and or myself, Oma Hamou.
The statements you have published or otherwise communicated to third parties concerning Enigma, Sarskaia or myself have been blatant fabrications, self-serving and demonstrate a course of conduct to harass and oppress. You deliberately misrepresent the facts and make the argument solely in a vain grasp at confusing people and humiliating me. Moreover, from a review of the documentation I have been provided by law enforcement and others, your incessant efforts to damage my reputation and livelihood reveal an obsessive and irrational pattern of behavior that is well beyond any notion of decency and constitutes an ongoing violation of my rights.
I do plan to file a civil lawsuit against you and Pallasart in the near future and have been cooperating with law enforcement in my criminal complaint against your company and yourself. I do not solicit a reply to this letter. I only wish to have the conduct cited above end immediately.
Govern yourself accordingly,
Ms. Oma Hamou
Here is the document I found on the web related to Mike's statement about both Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein
Bob Atchison was told to 'cease and desist' but they (Moshein & Atchison) had to post their IP sniffer ( a page to Pallasart's Oma Hamou Report web site) so they could see who was visiting the AA Legend website.
Monday, July 10, 2006

Bob Atchison continues to con the general public...
After some digging around, I discovered that despite the Texas Secretary of State informing me of Mr. Atchison's web company, Pallasart Web Ventures, Inc being put on notice that it has forefieted its corporate existence "it" continues to conduct business as usual.
About a month ago, Pallasart designed and created a website for Hometown Animal Care whose address is FM 685 Pflugerville, TX 78660. Phone: (512) 251-2242 thus Mr. Atchison 'knowingly and willingly' committed fraud.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Oral Deposition of Bob Atchison
Page 147, line 23:
"...I just want to say, again -- I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm not an awful person, Mr. Slater. And you think I'm so awful, and I'm really not, you know. That's all I want to say to you..."
Bob Atchison